
THE LAST WISH - Value of Life (pt. 3)

Deviation Actions

galateabellator's avatar

Literature Text

Warning: This story contains spoilers, and scenes of death (not much, so no mature filter either). Consider yourselves warned.


They went too far this time. I didn’t even think it was possible, yet they proved me wrong. I was absent for an hour… barely an hour, in which I’ve tried to get some real sleep… and that’s when it happened.

I was on a constant watch over prisoner Hoover, like always, day and night, for weeks without any incident. In that time, he has completely recovered - his strength returned, his body seemed fine, he slept quite a lot, ate well, endured the medical examination and treatments with patience… and even his sweating degraded quite a bit since he was captured. It must have been a biological reaction, naturally developed due to the burden he was carrying for so long. Anyway, prisoner Hoover was fine, but I should have known that it was all too good to be true.

His recovery didn’t make everyone as happy as it made me. That evening, I took some time off to get a bloody hour of sleep, and left him with Lara Sieler, a member of the North Unit of the Scouting Legion. She was my replacement before, and nothing bad happened to him on her watch. I had a certain degree of confidence to leave Bertholdt in her hands during my absence.  

Therefore, imagine my shock when she came to wake me up, with face covered in tears, bruises, and scratches. Her body was roughed up too. She put up a good fight before she got to me, shaking from sobs. I was still sleepy when she stormed in, her voice trembling from panic and pain when she spoke  to me. She was highly upset.

“C-cadet Sohner, you need t-to return… f-fast…”

“What happened?” I asked, alarmed by her appearance and her words. I got up, putting my brown jacket on and double-checked for the number of maneuver gear blades. I was hoping I won’t need them, but the situation might require me to spill blood… human blood this time.

“They… they came and… and… they told me to o-open up the dungeon. I said it wasn’t an option, b-but they outnumbered me… they had g-guns, and… they… said that I will be considered his ally if I don’t step back… and…”

“By ‘them’, you mean soldiers,” I concluded, “and by the looks of it… they were from the Military Police.” If they had guns, they must have been from that section. Only the green-horse brigade could carry the firearms around without problems. I’ve taken my steel dagger and inserted it in my boot. I might need that one too. Lara nodded.

“They were cloaked… it was dark. I could not see their faces well. They had the MP sign on their backs, though… they told me to step back… but I refused, and…”

“Calm down, cadet Sieler. I’ve got this.” Or, I hope so, at least. I mean, it won’t be the first time I have to defend Bertholdt from rage - blinded soldiers who’d gauge his eyes out. So far, I’ve managed to rationalize with some of them, but somehow… I felt it will be different this time. I will have to use force instead of words.

“Why didn’t you go straight to Major Amsel?” I asked.

“You were closer… I am going to inform her now. I was… I just needed someone to head back to him until I bring her here… because… prisoner Hoover is being tortured and beaten, again… and this time… it’s very serious… I think he might…”

“He won’t.” I wanted to believe that. He can’t die just yet.

“They brought the rope, Romy,” she whispered, and the blood in my veins froze with that statement.

“Bring lady Amsel. Hurry!” With that, I rushed toward the dungeons. My legs hurt from the amount of speed I used to get there. The shortage of my breath caused a sharp pain in my lungs yet I was running, far and down, into the darkness.

They are trying to kill him before his trial. They want to completely deny him the possibility to be spared or even released, although the chances for that were minimal. But, no matter how low, those chances still existed, and nobody wanted someone as dangerous as the Colossal Titan to run away freely after the massacre of humankind.

Another possibility for these assaults on Bertholdt were the information he possessed.
Maybe the Military Police possessed the information which were never revealed to the Scouting Legion, but Bertholdt found them out due to Annie’s affiliation? Maybe he knew something the Government didn’t want him to expose on his trial. Maybe some of the nobles were involved with his faction, and now wanted to cover it up. Maybe these soldiers were just hired to kill him, and who knows who stands behind their actions.

These things happened before… so why wouldn’t they happen again?

Whatever the case… I couldn’t just let them execute him in the middle of the night, after all the trouble we’ve gone to capture him. Commander Smith, Corporal Levi, Captain Lindemann… I mustn’t fail them. I also mustn’t fail Bertholdt. He deserves a chance to defend himself… and not to be murdered like this.

By the time I’ve got into the dungeon, they had already left. The door were unlocked. And what I found there… was another scene from my nightmares. I screamed.

His body was risen high in the air. I could see his feet from where I was standing… and he wasn’t moving. He was hanging from a noose, but they didn’t hang him properly… his neck didn’t snap, so he was suffocating, and it was a matter of seconds before he chokes to death.

I immediately activated my 3DMG. I cut down the rope, taking his body in my arms before he fell. I was on the verge of hysteria. The madness threatened to consume me. I was already torn between the love I felt for this man, and the loyalty towards the human race. Now, they clashed, loud and hard, and almost split me in half. I had to choose whose side I am on, but I simply couldn’t decide. My mind was focused on humanity, since I was human… but my heart desperately desired Bertholdt. Desired him to be with me, no matter the consequences. I couldn’t fight it anymore. And while I didn’t know what to chose from these two things, for the heart and mind were both strong in me... I knew that I can’t let him die like this. No. Please… God… or whoever it is…

“B… Bert? Can you hear me?” I asked, and my voice sounded like it belonged to someone else. To someone squeamish and weak. To someone who was crying. I was removing the knot, moving that damn thing from his neck… but…

“Bert… come on… please…”

My fingers were trembling. The rope left deep, red traces on his skin. He didn’t breathe anymore. This isn’t happening. It’s… too soon.

“Bert, talk to me… come on… Bert…”

He didn’t respond. I am probably too late.

“Bert, stop it, I am scared…” I whispered, massaging his neck to fasten the blood flowing into his brain. If I am late… even if he survives this… he will probably have a brain damage of some sort. I’ve inhaled deeply, and started giving him breath via mouth. I didn’t know what else to do. His lips felt cold. His face too. I wanted… I wanted…

“You can’t die on me, Bertholdt Hoover!” I punched him into his chest. “We agreed! You fool, we agreed that I won’t be the one to watch you die!” I practically screamed at him. God… no… God. NO!

I’ve run my hands through my hair, pulling the locks. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was biting my lips, over and over again. This must be a nightmare. Another nightmare of mine and I will wake up, because this was too absurd to be true.

I’ve blinked once, twice, defying the tears. If this was a dream, I couldn’t wake up.

“We agreed…” I’ve repeated, as if those words could revert time… “we agreed…”

If only I didn’t leave this place… if I stayed… he would still be alive. I’ve pulled my hands around my shoulders, because my chest hurt. I was staring at his pale face. What will I do, now? How am I supposed to live with this pain?

I love you… and that’s why I don’t think I can watch you perish before my eyes, Bertholdt Hoover. It would destroy me. At least… I told him how I’d feel about his departure. At least, I confessed to him before he left me all alone in this world. And knowing that he heard those words before he died… brought me a slight comfort. However, something inside of me… broke without repair.

“And I’ve told you it would destroy me…” I sobbed, muffling the sounds with my sleeve.

Suddenly… his fingertips moved. He… tried to breathe, desperately inhaling the air, but it seemed troublesome. Then, he exhaled, and coughed out a few times, getting his fingers on those red traces around his neck. The tears got into his eyes after. He looked at me, confused, disoriented. The rope was cut down, thrown on the floor. The handcuffs and other chains which served to sustain Bertholdt were on the bed.

“Ro… Romy?” his voice was gagging when he tried to form word, but he recognized me… and that was a good sign, I guess.

“I am here, it’s over now…” I took his hand, and touched his face. To feel the warmth in it again. I was so grateful… so overwhelmed that I didn’t know how to behave. What to say. I was just… glad that he was alive.

“… Romy... w-water…”  

“The help is on its way. Hold on just a bit longer,” I hugged him, unable to leave his side. I didn’t know what might happen if I depart once more. I will just… have to wait for Lara or Aurora to come and ask them to bring some water for Bertholdt. I just can’t abandon him now.

“… Romy, I…”

“I will find them… these bastards who did this to you,” I said. Even if Lara didn’t see their faces… I will find them anyway. And I will make sure they pay for everything they did.  

“Let it go… it doesn’t matter,” he said. “It doesn’t matter…”

What was this fool talking about?

“It does! They nearly killed you! They went against their strict orders!”
He coughed once again, before speaking.

“I don’t care, I deserved it…”

“And how long are you going to let them do whatever they want? How long do you intend to hide behind that guilt of yours?”

“You… don’t understand… you can’t.”

“Did you even put up a fight against them?” I asked, enraged by his behavior. I would have slapped him, but couldn’t risk to harm him further.

“What’s the point? Tonight, or tomorrow, whatever the case… I am a dead man.”

“Dead man breathing, and I would like you to stay that way for as long as it is possible!”

“I… only bring you pain. You should have let them…”

“Let them what? Just shut up, you fool. You allowed them hang you like… like… you were a sack of meat! I can’t forgive you for that! I will never forgive you for that!” I screamed at him, pretty upset, and I thought I had right to throw at him whatever I wanted. The Hell!

Footsteps were approaching. I’ve pulled out my blade, aiming for the visitor. If this pathetic worm won’t fight for his own life, I will. And I will fight them all alone, if required.

“Cadet Sohner, you may lower your blade,” the soft tone belonged to lady Amsel, who entered the cell with Lara, and a few other cadets from the North Unit.

“Ma’am… things got out of control. He was about to be hanged, so… I…”

“I know,” Aurora got a good look at Bertholdt. “I was alerted. The perpetrators are being chased, as we located some of them while they were running from the fort. I’ve sent my people after them. Commander Smith won’t be pleased to hear that soldiers tried to take the matter into their hands before the official trial,” lady Amsel seemed oddly calm.

“Well, they were from the Military Police, after all. They are known for their corruption,” Lara sighted. Lady Amsel thought about it for a few seconds.

“Or they wanted us to think they belonged to that section. Something tells me there’s more to it.”

She approached me and Bertholdt, and gave him a hand. He took it, and she helped him to stand up.

“Cadet Sieler… go fetch him a dinner. The boy needs to eat. Oh, and… give him something to drink too,” she said, and Lara went to obey her order. I was glad I didn’t have to ask it like a favor or something. Aurora’s kindness moved me.

“What are we going to do with you, Hoover?” she asked, taking a sit on his bed, her hands crossed between her knees. He didn’t dare to look her in the eyes.

“I am sorry for causing such a trouble for you, ma’am,” he finally said.

“You’ve never been much of a fighter, have you? The armored one fights all the time,” she noted. “Make no mistake, I prefer obedient prisoners. But you are too passive. Like you’ve already surrendered.”

I couldn’t have said those things better.

“I am not trying to encourage you to try anything stupid, now… I am just curious about your behavior. Do you even value your life, Hoover?” she asked him. He didn’t respond.

“Well, you better start, boy. Erwin wants you alive for a trial, so I will keep you alive. But, to accomplish that… I will have to move you from the prison, until we investigate soldiers who attacked you.”

She is doing… what?

“Ma’am… he isn’t allowed to leave the premises…” I started, but lady Amsel shook her head.

“He is, if I give him the permission. We will do it now, as soon as he eats. I can’t risk another attack on him, and right now, I don’t have all the necessary force to give you to assist you in the task of guarding this man. So, I will just remove Hoover for the time being… and I will have you watch over him, like you always do. You’ve proved to be the fittest person for that job.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I will do my best,” I’ve responded, placing my fist on my heart. If he has to die… he will die in the right time. In the right place. Not in darkness of his cell, hanged by the cowards who didn’t dare to show their faces while beating a girl and a handcuffed man.

And then, it occurred to me. The real reason why they wanted him dead. Behind this attack… it wasn’t just the Military Police. Those were… the titan shifters he has mentioned before, on his pre-trial hearings. The information must’ve gotten to them… and they wanted to get rid of him before he points the finger. Bertholdt, Reiner, and Annie supposedly could tell who were shifters amongst human, if given enough time.

And even if he still didn’t know their names, or ranks, or status… Bertholdt was a threat.

That’s why they want him dead so desperately.

“Good girl, cadet Sohner,” Major Amsel smiled, and I was sure she figured this out a lot faster than I did. There was this… glow in her eyes which suggested she knew exactly what I was thinking in that moment. “You are a very good girl.”
Extreme violence requires extreme retaliation. But what happens if you don't fight at all? 

This story is about what happens after Bertholdt gets captured in my LOVE THY ENEMY story. The narrator is Romy Sohner, my OC from that fanfic. This is the sequel. Stay tuned for more ^_^

PART 3: You are here

The source of image:…

What else, what else... well, Bertholdt Hoover and SnK belong to Hajime Isayama.
Romy Sohner, Gustav Lindemann, Aurora Amsel, Lara Sieler, and separate Units of the Scouting Legion belong to me. I am one busy woman, aren't I? :P  

Tell me what you think about this one, I'd appreciate it :)

Also: YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE/REWRITE/REPOST this story ANYWHERE without my WRITTEN PERMISSION. Also, I know there are many grammar mistakes, and wrong expressions, but it's my work and I, and only I keep the right to change it, should I see that fit.
© 2014 - 2024 galateabellator
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Billy-Cash's avatar
I should feel quite relieved since the girl of my dreams was behind this Attack.
But the way you wrote this scene, Bertholdt resignation and the fact that he stopped caring for his own life, Romy's resolve to drag him out of his darkness and Aurora's compassion, that actually moved me...
I missed your stories :)